For all

Bike touring has no limit. Give the chance to your relatives with disabilities or young children to experience the freedom of travelling by bike thanks to our special tandem.

You dream of sharing your rides or bicycle trips with your loved ones but their disabilities or their age seem to make this dream impossible?

At Root-B, we believe that nothing is impossible! We love challenges and giving the chance to anyone to realise its dreams is our biggest accomplishment! That’s why we’ve acquired this fantastic tandem bike that opens up new possibilities: The Pino.

Thanks to its features and many accessories (Seat harness, children crankset, special pedals,…) the Pino tandem is perfect for:

  • Young children who may not be confident or strong enough to ride on the road
  • People with disabilities (Blindness, mental illness, physical disabilities,…)

Here's how the Pino works:

The back passenger (the pilot),  is taking care of everything (steering, shifting, balancing and obviously pedaling). This means, the front passenger, sitting as on recumbent bike, “only” has to pedal. Last but not least: thanks to a freewheel on the crankset, the front passenger can also stop pedaling to rest if needed.

This tandem, initially created for disabled people, is now used by thousands of travellers thanks to its special design enabling a good communication and an amazing feeling of freedom for both of the passengers.

This service is offered to anyone, disabled or not and includes following:

  • Experienced Pino tandem pilot
  • Pino Tandem rental
  • Special Pino Tandem equipment for disabled or people with extra short legs.(Upon request)
  • Paniers to transport luggages

Contact us to realise your craziest dreams!

Tell us what your dreams are, we will do everything we can to realise them!