About Root-B Bike touring

Hello and welcome!

Bike touring is the new revolution of the travel industry, far from the all-inclusive tours and resorts full of concrete and fake cultural activities. Travelling by bicycle gives you the opportunity to do your own trip, at your own speed and to travel the way you want and not the way the other decided would be right for you.

You may not feel confident or this may sound as a challenge at first, but with a good preparation, bike touring will turn into a lifetime experience.
Logo bike tree cloud
That’s why Root-B has been created: To give anyone the chance to experience this way of travelling by giving you all the required skills and knowledges so that you feel confident to do your own trip autonomously. But Root-B is not only that, this a community. Knowledge is the only thing that multiplies when it’s shared and that’s why a network is always stronger than a single person. By attending a Root-B event, you also join the Root-B community formed by experienced or less experienced travelers, strongly sharing the Root-B values:


Responsible Travel


Jeremy Montcel - Isla Incahuasi Bolivia - Polaroid Frame
Root-B is the result of the dream of Jérémy Montcel, three times winner of the bike touring championship organised by the french bike touring federation and former bike touring federal intiator. Jérémy is an adventurer fallen in love with bicycle in its early ages and passionated by sharing experience and skills with the most. Based on a network of experienced biketourers all around the world, Root-B was launched to give a platform for further development of the bike touring activity and help anyone to join the fantastic bike touring community.


With a very strong background in South-America and Europe, the community is expending and gaining with each new comer more knowledges about all the destinations around the world. All Root-B activities are lead by experienced trainers, selecting the relevant skills and knowledges required for the purpose of the bike touring activity.

Through our long travel experience, we learned many languages, we are thus happy to welcome you in:
