Advanced bike tour preparation workshop

Welcome to the bicycle tour preparation workshop for adventurers!

You want to realise your biggest dream to travel by bicycle around the world or in the most remoted areas but you still feel you need a strong preparation to fully enjoy this lifetime experience?
Then you’re on the right page!

Biketouring is freedom but a good preparation is the key of a successfull adventure. Don’t leave success in the hand of luck and ensure you have all the required knowledges and skills before leaving home for a few weeks or months! Ensure that you will fully enjoy your trip and be prepared for the unexpected.

We especially developed a workshop for people who are planning long trips in the most remoted areas of the world by covering all the aspects of long distance bicycle touring.


Key content of the advanced workshop:

  • Planning your bike trip: Key features of a long distance bicycle
  • Mechanics: Repair your entire bike on your own
  • Weather: Read the sky to predict weather
  • Survival: Survival tips based on the french special forces experience
  • Extreme first aid: Save your life in the most extreme conditions
  • Camping extreme: Key features and tips to camp in the wildest areas
  • Full access to the Root-B community exchange platform

Who is this workshop designed for?

  • Experience: This workshop is designed for people who already have done short cycling trips or already have attended the Root-B basic bike touring preparation workshop.
  • Age limits: Bike touring has no upper limits! For responsability reasons, we unfortunately cannot accept children.
  • Technical knowledges: We will teach you everything you need. You should already know the repairing basics (Flat tire, broken chain, broken spokes)
  • Physical condition: We will not ride the bike during this workshop so you don’t need any special physical preparation prior to the workshop.
  • Equipment: We will provide you all the necessary equipment in order to make you train the mechanical and the first aid clusters in real conditions. If you prefer to practice on your own bike and/or with your own tools, feel free to bring them!
  • Clothes: Depending on the session you booked, the workshop takes place indoor or outdoor (See next available workshops for more information). Please note that the outdoor workshops will take place in real conditions, regardless of the weather (as during your bike tour). Depending on the weather forecast, you may want to bring waterproof/warm clothes.
  • Last but not least: Good mood and fun are higly recommended


Next available basic workshops


Basic workshop - Munich (DE)

Language: German
Type de formation:

  • Basis Workshop
  • Abend Workshop (5PM 9 PM)
Starts On:
March 08, 2021
5:00 PM
Ends On:
March 12, 2021
9:00 PM
Event Passed

Basic workshop - Lyon (FR)

Langue de formation: Français
Type de formation:

  • Connaissances de bases
  • Stage de formation en journée (3jours)
Starts On:
April 03, 2021
9:00 AM
Ends On:
April 05, 2021
5:30 PM
Event Passed

Basic workshop - Saint Etienne (FR)

Langue de formation: Français
Type de formation:

  • Connaissances de bases
  • Stage de formation en soirée de mardi à vendredi inclus (17h - 21h) + journée samedi (9h - 19h)
Starts On:
April 07, 2021
9:00 AM
Ends On:
April 10, 2021
5:30 PM
Event Passed

Basic workshop - Munich (DE)

Language: German

  • Basis Workshop
  • Abend Workshop (5PM - 9PM)
Starts On:
April 19, 2021
5:00 PM
Ends On:
April 23, 2021
9:00 PM
Event Passed
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Event not found
Event not found

Detailed content of the advanced bike tour preparation workshop:

The advanced bike tour preparation workshop (20 hours in total) is organised in 6 clusters:

#1: Key features of a long distance touring bike

  • Wheel specification
  • Frame type
  • Gearing system
  • Brake system
  • Sattle

#2: Mechanics

  • Which repairing tools and spare parts should I carry with me?
  • How to maintain my wheel?*
  • How to control and maintain the whole chain and crane system?*
  • How to maintain the brake system?*
  • Special tips for extreme reparations in the wildness.
  • How to wash your hands after repairing your bike in the wildness?*

#3 Weather

  • Understand the weather global system
  • Read the sky: different types of clouds
  • How to react in case of severe weather
  • Weather specificities of tropical areas
  • Special natural risks in tropical areas

#4: Survival

  • How to survive in extreme cold environment?
  • Hazardous animals
  •  Fire in the wildness

* These contents include practical training

#5: Immediate first aid

  • Minimum content of an extreme first aid kit
  • How to react in case of an accident?
  • How to extract yourself from extreme situations
  • Stop strong bleeding*
  • Manage unconsciousness*
Please note: This cluster is a rough refresh but does not replace in any case an official first aid training provided by official organisations.

#6: Camping

  • Key features of an extreme tent and camping gears
  • Tips to properly pinch a tent*
  • How to shower/bird bath during your bike trip
  • How to use a gasoline stove*

Contact us to organise your advanced preparation workshop!

The advanced workshop is organised upon request and can be adjusted to the schedule of the participants. please contact us for more information